Friday, February 20, 2009


Each literary response and analysis question is worth two (2) points. In order to get full credit, you must fulfill two (2) separate criteria, each worth one (1) point: interpretation and evidence/support. Luckily, each of these criteria can provide either one-half (0.5; ½) or one (1) full point.

One-half (0.5; ½) point can be earned if you provide an interpretation that is at least loosely connected to the piece in question. No special insight is necessary for this half-point, merely relevance and/or appropriateness.One (1) point can be earned if you provide an interpretation that is particularly insightful, interesting, or exciting. My focus on awarding this point is that you think new thoughts, either new to me or (so far as I can tell) new to you.

One-half (0.5; ½) point can be earned if you support your interpretation with even a slight reference to the rest of the piece. This can be as little as a single reference which nevertheless supports your point. Note that last clause: your evidence MUST support your interpretation in order for you to receive points for it. Note also that, if the question being asked references a particular line, set of lines, or phrase, your evidence may include evidence from that portion of the piece, but that you earn points by supporting your piece with evidence from elsewhere in the piece.One (1) full point can be earned if you support your interpretation strongly, with multiple references from the piece, probably including a consideration of the use of figurative language and poetic devices in the piece. If I cannot immediately dismiss your interpretation with a few well-placed comments – or if arguing your interpretation would involve a lengthy and probably quite fun conversation – then you have earned the full (1) point for evidence.

Unfortunately, these two criteria are not actually independent. Occasionally, one criterion's score depends upon the other. For example, if your interpretation is new enough, complex enough, or thoughtful enough, but your provide no support or evidence for it, I may not recognize it as being relevant or appropriate enough to earn the half-point (0.5; ½) for interpretation, let alone the full (1) point! Accordingly, if you revise your answers to provide sufficient support for me to understand just how insightful your answer actually is, then you just might raise a score of 0 or ½ all the way up to 2!

As you hopefully recall, I accept revised work. Should you be unhappy with your score, you can turn in a revision stapled to your original work within a week of receiving your original work from me. I will then check to see if you deserve a higher grade and give you that new grade. There will be no reduction to your maximum possible score, and you can revise as many times as you please. Thus, everyone in this class can receive a 100% on every literary response and analysis assignment throughout the entire class. It also means that the score you receive is, in the end, entirely your choice and your decision. Use this power well.

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